Our mission: Educate and support family caregivers
Caregiving Pathways is focused on creating a family caregiver culture that will help families care for a family member or friend during caregiving, a health crisis, and the final stages of life.
We are mission driven. Supporting family caregivers is good for individuals, families, and virtually every organization — because the 53 million family caregivers in the United States are everywhere, and they all need instruction and guidance.
​​​Beth Rooney Suereth, Certified Caregiving Consultant , Educator, and Facilitator
​Founder and Family Caregiving Partner
Beth Suereth was a family caregiver for her father for 5 years. She's conducted more than 1,000 home visits to support family caregivers as a care manager and volunteered for 2 years at a hospital-based family caregiver center.
"I didn't know anything about caregiving when my
father started needing care. Eventually I learned so much that I was able to keep my dad out of the hospital during the entire last year of his life.
"I decided to use my healthcare marketing background to create the content I wish someone had given me as a new family caregiver. My goal is to make caregiving easier for others than it was for me."
​​Sarah Todd, MD, MPH
​​Physician Partner​​
Sarah Todd is board-certified in emergency medicine and was a family caregiver for her late husband for 7 years. Her professional and personal experiences convinced her of the need for better family caregiver support.
“The time for questions like ‘What types of care are you comfortable with in an emergency?’ is before a ​
health crisis happens,” said Dr. Todd, the Caregiving Pathways physician partner.
​“Our programs helps patients think through and share their care goals, values, fears, and preferences in advance.
“That means if a patient has a medical emergency and is unable to communicate, then patients, family members, and health care providers like me can avoid unproductive interventions, focus on honoring the patient's wishes, and support the patient through the end of life with the best possible quality of life.”
Clients include American Airlines, CVS Health, Virgin Islands Department of Human Services, AARP Public Policy Institute, and AARP New York
​Member, Massachusetts Caregiver Coalition​​​
Member, American Society on Aging
Listen in as Beth Suereth talks about managing the hospital stay on Rayna Neises' podcast, A Season of Caring. Hear helpful insights on communicating with hospital staff, knowing what questions to ask, and tracking what happens so you'll notice potential problems.
Hear Beth Suereth share her family caregiving experience on Elizabeth Miller’s Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast. Beth shares helpful tips on managing a hospital stay and the time between a grim diagnosis and the end of life.
See more podcasts featuring Beth Suereth.
Guest appearance on Caregivers First on SCAN TV
Beth Suereth shared her top tips on managing a hospital stay with Lynette Whitman as a guest on Caregivers First, a SCAN NJ television show.